jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

The Shining

1.- What is "The Shining"?
The Shining, is a skill that has a child you can see how bad is happening or will happen.

2.- Where did the story take place?
In a haunted hotel in Denver.

3.- Why is the Family there?
Because Jack gets a job as a caregiver or monitoring of the hotel.

4.- Why did Jack go crazy?
Because his wife begins to despair of his nature, and then kisses the dead and this is beginning to see a dead man who turns out to be one that was hotely keeper tells him to kill his family and when begins to go crazy.

5.- What do you think about the picture at the end?
In my view in this photo is entering the image of each caregiver because of the madness that will acquires by being long in that hotel alone and die so cruelly.

6.- Did you like the movie?
If I liked the movie.

7.- Why?
Because it is a very entertaining film with an original story and here is seen as the man who acts after being several months in the same place with his family and not being able to do something else.

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